Industry Insider Reveals... (unique credibility)

The 12-sec Preworkout
Influencer Secret I Stole
to Gain up to 34.2lbs of Muscle

Be quick before this site is taken down... again

Hi I’m Greg.

I’ll tell you more about me later.

But right now I want you to look at this tiny dropper bottle I’m holding in my hand.


I call it… The Formula.

The liquid inside this bottle contains the best kept SECRET among fitness influencers…

With just a few drops on the wrists…

It boosts testosterone levels in the body by 10X in mere minutes.

It’s the ONLY product in the world that allows you to enhance your workouts with high testosterone…

And get back to baseline…

WITHOUT suppressing your natural testosterone levels.

It's the way to get consistent results and get JACKED fast without losing your balls




(Add Credibility)

it's based on an almost 100 year old discovery before it got hijaacked and supressed by the pharma industry.

And why my site get's taken down regularly as this formula could disrupt two industries with a combined worth of xxx billion dollars

As you read this, influencers are using the formula to build and maintain their physique and reap all the benefits that

How do i know?

Because I stole it from one of the key players in the industry.

Once i discovered how easy and cheap this was, and how quicly you feel it working and how fast it delivers gains. I new i couldn't keep this in tha hands

So I’m blowing the lid off the SECRET. So pay attenntion because You'll ONLY hear it hear

If you stick with me, i'll prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this builds muscle fast, even more then you could attain naturally wit 10 years of consistent training

If you want more muscle, you're not alone

In a mere seconds, the door of opportunity opens or closes, just by the way you look.

And having an amazing physique is a superpower

It’s the ONLY way to hijack that system.


You can’t change, your height, if you're bald, how chiseled your jaw is

But your physique is the ONE thing under your control

Improving your physique will change how the world sees you and interacts with you.

The proof is everywhere.

here's x talking about h

here's x talking about h

Benefit is about opprtunity

It’s the key that unlock

new opportunities

new experiences

new friendships

new romantic relationships

And it could be yours;

you could be making real steps towards it right now...

With the Formula

Every workout you complete with enhanced testosterone is like taking 5 steps forwards

where before you were moving only an inch

Leading to real change, these other men have experienced

Building an amazing physique is the most powerful move a man can make.


Because this world is all about looks.

You can wish it away all you want...and say it isn’t fair...

But the truth is, we're all part of it—myself included, and so are you.

We can't help it...

It's hardwired into our brains... in just seconds, snap judgments shape our lives in powerful ways:

🞂 Men determine if you’re respectable.
🞂 Women determine if you’re dateable
🞂 People determine if you’re trustworthy

Why you're stuck

If you’ve tried everything...

  • Scientifically crafted supplements

  • Special herbs,

  • Guaranteed test boosters,

  • specialized workouts routine …

And still haven’t seen results, let me assure you...

It’s NOT your fault.

The truth is, none of these so-called solutions address the root cause of lackluster results:

The hormonal imbalance inside your body.

It's the nob that switches muscle building on or off.

See, your body has two states...

Building up or breaking down,

Anabolic or catabolic.

And what determines the results you get from a workout is your testosterone to cortisol ratio.

If your testosterone is high, your cortisol—the stress hormone— will be low, and vice versa.

quote research

quote research

Here's what happens...

As you push your muscles, you’re actually causing tiny amounts of damage. This is supposed to signal your body to trigger two crucial processes—muscle protein synthesis and satellite cell activation—which repair and build new muscle tissue.

MPS is

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But when your testosterone-to-cortisol ratio is skewed towards cortisol before you even begin, these two crucial processes are dampened.

And to make matters worse, testosterone will also be low, making you lack the primary multiplier of these muscle building processes

This double whammy kills your gains before you even start

If you want results...

You have to shift out of a catabolic state. You need to lower cortisol to improve your testosterone-to-cortisol ratio and tip the scales towards muscle growth.

But that's easier said than done...

Life can be a constant struggle against stress, driven by toxic food, polluted air, endless news cycles, social isolation, and sleepless nights. We grind away for faceless corporations just to keep up with inflation.

it’s no wonder that so many man have troubler building muscle.

And it only get's harder as you age.

More stress means more cortisol, which means less testosterone and a weaker response to your workouts.

It's all about your testosterone-to-cortisol ratio around your workouts.


If you want great results

You need to be anabolic—especially around your workouts.

The key?

Crushing your cortisol levels and supercharging your testosterone at the most crucial time— right before, during and after your workouts.

That's exactly what the formula does.

I takes advantage of the muscele building potential of a workout and turns up to the max.





It's a completely different system to anything you've ever seen.

It’s a revolutionary approach to building muscle that delivers far greater gains than what’s possible naturally—without the harmful side effects of the current synthetic compounds.

Before you can start building, you need to realize...

They've Been Lying to Us All Along

The so-called fitness gurus we've been following are not who they seem...

They are liars

And cashing in BIG on our dreams, selling us their supplements, workout plans, and empty promises—all while hiding the truth: They didn’t get their bodies from the products they’re peddling.

No, they had help—a lot of help. And they know it

Sure, a lot of influencers that cycle steroids are easy to spot.

But other influencers fly under the radar. They don't show glaring outward signs. But something just doesn't add up. Despite training for years, they keep making above-average gains, year after year.

Let me share a little secret...

They're using the Formula.

How do I know? Because I stole the formula from one of them. More on that later.

Weather they yo-yo up and down with cycles or steadily grow with the Formula, they all use something...

imagine having the power up they had

You Need to Act Fast... Before they take down this page... Again

I'm stepping on a lot of toes by unveiling this secret…

The pharmaceutical industry, the supplement industry, the entire damn fitness industry—they all have a stake in keeping you in the dark.

And because of that, my site has become a target...

It's getting taken down regularly, and finding new hosting platforms has become a nightmare.

I don't know how long this site will stay up. It could be gone next week, or even tomorrow.

What I do know is this...

If you reload this page, and it’s gone, you’re going to be kicking yourself for letting this opportunity slip through your fingers…

How I Discovered the Formula

Hey, it’s Greg again.

I wish I could tell you more about myself, but the truth is...

I can't...

Not without risking everything—my career, my reputation, and the trust I've built with clients over the years.

You see, I’ve spent a lot of time working as an editor in the fitness industry. I’ve shot videos, edited them, and helped create the very content you’ve probably watched before..

When I first started in this world, I was like most people—naive, wide-eyed, and eager to believe that these bodies were attainable naturally.

As i worked along my naivité was replaced with resentment.

I couldn't handle making another damn advertisement for a fake natty selling fans a fantasy that if only they bought their product or course, they could achieve the body they had.

It didn’t sit right with me. It was wrong...

So I cut ties with a lot of clients and decided to work only with those I truly believed were natural.

For a while, it felt good—like I was doing the right thing.

But then came the day that changed everything.

We were on set, shooting a video for one of the biggest names in the industry—a guy whose videos you’ve most definitely seen.

I was grabbing some tripods when I passed by the storage room. Through a small side window, I saw him. He was standing there, dropping a liquid onto his wrist, then rubbing his wrists together.

As soon as he was done, he hurriedly stuffed something into his backpack and walked out, acting like nothing had happened.

A wave of anger washed over me...

I was pissed—this guy was supposed to be the real deal, the one who wasn’t faking it. And yet, here I was, fooled again. I felt betrayed, like the rug had been pulled out from under me.

Without thinking, I did something I never imagined I would— I went in, opened the bag and I stole it.

The rest of the day was a blur. I was on edge, expecting to be found out at any moment. Every time someone yelled my name, my heart would race, my stomach would drop.

But somehow, i made it through the day...

As soon as the shoot was done, I didn’t waste a second. I quickly got my stuff and drove off.

While driving, curiosity got the best of me. I pulled over on the way to the gym, unable to wait any longer.

I had to know what it was...

The bottle was small, almost like an eye-dropper. Wrapped around it was a piece of ruled paper, secured with a bit of tape. The paper underneath the tape was stained, but I could still read what was written—only one letter, 'T'.

This wasn’t like anything I’d seen before...

I’d been in the industry long enough to recognize all the usual suspects—pills, needles, vials—but this liquid was different.

What the hell was this...

Not sure what came over me... was it the intrigue, the adrenaline? But I muttered, “Fuck it,” and dropped six, maybe seven drops onto my wrist and rubbed it into my skin.

I stuffed the bottle away and headed straight to the gym.

It was only after my second set of wide-grip lat pulldowns, I realized this liquid was something special...

I finally understood what Arnold Schwarzenegger meant in the documentary Generation Iron, when he said, “The greatest feeling you can get in a gym is... The Pump.”

For the first time, I felt it. Really felt it...

My muscles swelled, tightening as if my skin was about to burst It sounds intense, but it's satisfying as hell.

My entire workout flew by as I attacked each exercise with more intensity than ever before.

I was hooked.

Weeks went by, and I kept using the bottle before every workout. The results were stunning... but baffling. My balls—they were getting bigger. They hung lower.

How was this possible?

All other substances cause shutdown of natural production and shrink your balls. But this was the opposite...

In the span of four weeks, I gained seven pounds. But the party was about to be over

The bottle was running out

Asking the guy I stole it from would be career-suicide...

There was only one option: I had to analyze it.

So, I sent the bottle, with the little I had left, to a lab. It was a gamble—I’d either discover what was in it, or the secret would be lost forever.

Two nerve-wracking weeks crawled by.

Then, finally, a letter arrived in the mail. It was the lab results.

I tore it open, my heart pounding, and saw the graph analyzing the contents.

It was bioidentical testosterone.

And a few ingredients to make it pass through the skin - i later learned.

I held it in my hand... The Formula

The secret I'm revealing today has existed for ages, yet it remained in the shadows—hidden away…

Exploited for profit and fame.

To truly understand its significance, we must travel back in time to a discovery that would forever change the landscape of endocrinology.

In 1931 German biochemist Adolf Butenandt embarked on a mission to uncover the mystery behind the development of male characteristics.

Butenandt believed it was hidden in an unlikely source…

Male urine.

After months of painstaking work and near failure, Butenandt finally isolated a tiny crystalline substance…

He believed was the elusive male sex hormone—later named Testosterone.

Only a year later…

In 1934 Leopold Ruzicka, a Croatian-Swiss chemist was the first in history to synthesize the testosterone molecule.

Their groundbreaking work earned both scientists a shared Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

But soon, their discovery was hijacked…

Because bioidentical testosterone couldn't be patented or sold for profit, the German pharmaceutical giant Schering AG stepped in, creating a synthetic, patentable version—testosterone propionate.

Making the company hundreds of millions of dollars.

Therefore, bioidentical testosterone was buried, never to see the light of day.

A forgotten treasure buried by greed and fame

why you haven't heard of bio t before

Let's confirm something you already know…

When it comes to building muscle, testosterone is king

that's the reason TRT, sarms and cycles are so popular.


The Formula is an absolute game changer in how it enhances testosterone to build muscle

But why is testosterone so effective at building muscle?

It boosts all the crucial process to accelerate muscle growth:

Boosts Satellite Cell Activity:
Testosterone activates satellite cells, which repair and grow muscle tissue.

Increases Protein Synthesis:
Testosterone enhances the process by which cells build proteins, essential for muscle growth

Increases Growth Hormone Levels:
Testosterone elevates growth hormone production, further aiding muscle development

Enhances IGF-1 Production:
It boosts levels of Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1), a hormone critical for muscle growth

Reduces Cortisol Levels:
Testosterone counteracts cortisol, a stress hormone that can break down muscle tissue.

It also boost motivation, energy levels, strength fat loss, recovery time

Until now, there was only one way to benefit from exogenous testosterone’s muscle building benefit

TRT Or anabolic cycles

See TRT or cycles use bio identical testosterone as a base. but then add an esther that keeps testosterone unnaturally longer active in the body...

But that deal comes with a high prices, your balls, and a host of other serious issues we'll see later.

But what if you could gain the muscle-building benefits without the downsides?

That’s exactly what The Formula does.

The Formula incorporates bioidentical testosterone, specifically for its short, active lifespan—a characteristic once thought to be a weakness, but is actually its strength.

This approach doesn’t rely on constantly elevating testosterone levels. Instead, it’s designed to strategically boost your testosterone at the moments when it matters most—around your workouts.

12-sec, that's all it takes to apply a few drops on the formula on your wrist and then rub it out.

But the real magic happens immediately afterwards

The formula uses a proprietary blend of ingredients to carry the testosterone through the skin into the bloodstream. Within 10 minutes around 70% of the content get's absorbed.


This delivery is perfect to quicly apply before.


proof 1

proof 2

proof 3


imagine walking in the gym

nowing you are ready to go

Supercharge your T in under 12-sec at anytime and anywhere

The ground braking advantage of the Formula lies in it's ability to casue huge spikes in testosterone in a safe way.

Here's the difference between TRT and The formula



See the difference. This come from the half life. bio identical testosterone has the same characteristics as your own body around an hour and clears quickly, from a one timedosage only 12.5% remains after 3hours.

This short burst doesn't cause a disruotion in natural production.

Compare this to testosterone enathate. Used in TRT, it's half life is. Meaning that after x days still 12.5% is till in the body after x days.

This long lasting sends a signal to the testes to stop

And shutdown of natural testosterone comes with mayor issues:

❌ Atrophy of testicles
❌ Fertility issues
❌ Chance of permanent shutdown
❌ Losing muscle mass after quitting
❌ Taking more synthetic chemicals during after to mitigate side effects

Proof balls fuller

The Formula doesn't suppression of natural testosterone

Let's be a 100% clear. cycles and high TRT use, which is the case mostly

builds more muscle then the formula. it just makes sence


It just checks off all the boxes

Being able to super charge your muscle

Not losing your own production

Apply whenevr you want

keeping the muscle you've made

not being a slave to a product, as you can stop whenever you want

Not losing your manhood, your balls, your fertility

This is the holy grail of consistent muscle building.

It’s no surprise that influencers are keeping this secret under wraps. They’re enjoying easy, consistent muscle gains with minimal side effects, all while maintaining their "natty" status.

But i'm not keeping this in the hands of the few

That's why i created...

proof 1 dokter

proof 2 quote of derek more plates

proof 3

The formula is the best muscle building substance ever be created

In this video guide, you'll discover the secret formula and how to create your own pre-workout test drops.

It's the only way to supercharge your workouts with high testosterone and enhance your muscle gains.

It's the only way you can benefit from T's without

is it difficult to make

does it cost a lot to make

Pre-Workout High T Guide


How does it work

How can i get started

What do i have to lose